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Relief Society


A Message to the Sisters of Relief Society

“I testify that Jesus Christ is relief. Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we may be relieved of the burden and consequences of sin and be succored in our infirmities. And because we love God and have covenanted to serve Him, we can partner with the Savior to help provide temporal and spiritual relief for those in need—and in the process find our own relief in Jesus Christ.” 

—President Camille N. Johnson, “Jesus Christ Is Relief,” General Conference, Apr. 2023

Upcoming Events 


5 | Stake Baptisms: 3:00 pm at the Stake Center.


5 | Worldwide Event for Youth: 6:00 pm Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Young Women General President Emily Freeman, and Young Men General President Steven J. Lund will address Latter-day Saint youth and youth leaders on the 2025 youth theme, “Look Unto Christ.Watch on demand here.


12​ | YW/YM New Theme Fireside: 4:00 pm at the Stake Center.


25​ | Stake Conference | Adult Session: 7:00 pm at the Stake Center.


26​ | Stake Conference | General Session10:00 am at the Stake Center.



2 | Stake Baptisms: 3:00 pm at the Stake Center.


2 | Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults: Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf and his wife, Harriet, will address young adults (ages 18–35). Young adults are encouraged to look for a local event to gather so they can view it together. Watch live or on demand here.


15 | Friend to FriendPrimary children, teachers, and leaders are invited to view this pre-recorded fun and inspiring worldwide event featuring Elder David A. Bednar. Available for download February 13. Stream or watch on demand on Find additional information here.



2 | Stake Baptisms: 3:00 pm at the Stake Center.​​


6-8 | RootsTech Family History Conference: Join online at or in-person at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City to learn how to unite families and make meaningful connections. The Family Discovery Session is Saturday, March 8, 1:30 p.m. MST (online and in person). Register at Find additional information here.


16 | Worldwide Relief Society Devotional: Messages from Elder Dale G. Renlund and the Relief Society General Presidency to all members of Relief Society and young women turning 18 in 2025 will be featured during this flexible-dae event commemorating the purpose and founding of Relief Society. Available for download March 13. Watch live or on demand here.


26| Stake Relief Society Evening of Art & Music: Finding Christ in the Beauty Around Us, 6:00 pm Art Stroll, 7:00 pm Program, at the Stake Center, church dress.


30 | Stake Baptisms: 3:00 pm at the Stake Center.​​




Weekly + Monthly Ongoing Activities


YSA Sunday School Class: Taught by Daren Watts the 1st and 3rd Sundays 11:00 am – 12:00 pm in the Milo Way Building.

Endowed for Life | Mission & Temple Prep: Taught each Sunday from 3–4:00 pm in the Stake Center Relief Society Room until Sunday, May 25, 2025.

“As sisters in Zion, we’ll all work together;

The blessings of God on our labors we’ll seek.

We’ll build up his kingdom with earnest endeavor;

We’ll comfort the weary and strengthen the weak.

The errand of angels is given to women;

And this is a gift that, as sisters, we claim:

To do whatsoever is gentle and human,

To cheer and to bless in humanity’s name.”

Hello Sisters-


Our Stake has the opportunity to serve as the ‘Agent Stake’ for the Deseret Industries on 4500 South. This means we regularly meet with the incredible employees who work there and discuss the many programs and efforts they are involved with, in addition to collecting all our unwanted donations. As we have met over the past few months, my presidency and I have been moved by the stories of the many female refugee employees. Most of these women are not native English speakers and part of their job is to learn this basic skill as they try to provide for their families. The majority are also not members of our Church and therefore do not have access to the Bishop’s storehouse or other “member benefits” for basic food needs. 


We are trying a pilot program to see if our Stake can provide weekly food bags for 20 families. These food items would need to be dropped off on Mondays between 12:00-2:00 pm at the Deseret Industries on 11 East 4500 South. The drop off is at the door east of the main store entrance (not the drive-through). Emma Pister is the Deseret Industries Clinical Social Worker who we have been working with to create this list. She is amazing and will be collecting the donations every week. 


If you have the time and means to help these families, please sign up through this Sign-Up Genius. If possible, please deliver the food items in re-usable bags (not required). 


​There are 6 options for donations:

1.  Food Bag (11 items): Contains 1 lb red lentils, 5 lbs long grain white rice,

4 lbs sugar, 5 lbs flour, 2 cans corn, 2 bottles vegetable oil, 3 cans tomato sauce,

1 package spaghetti, 5 cans of chickpeas or bag of dried chickpeas, canned tuna

and one loaf of bread. (As shown on this page.)

2.  A bag of onions.

3.  A bag of Fresh Fruit (apples, bananas, or oranges).

4.  A bag of Fresh Vegetables (any kind).

5.  3 boxes of cold cereal (any kind).

6.  Tide Pods for laundry. (Please keep in bag so they know what they are for.)


The Sign-Up Genius will continue to be on the Stake Website and through the
individual ward newsletters in the coming weeks. It has a link to pictures of the
donation food list. 


If you are interested in other ways to volunteer at the DI or have questions,
please contact me or my Presidency. We continue to be amazed at the physical,
emotional, and spiritual support you extend to so many in need. 


Much Love,

Kristin Christensen

Jane Clayton

Melissa Cutler

Lisa Richards

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Jesus Christ is the source of relief for all of us, and as we make covenants with our Heavenly Father, through our Savior, Jesus Christ, we are entitled to priesthood power, all of us, men and women.

—President Camille N. Johnson


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